Are You Owed Child Support?

Do you have a child support order from a New York court?

Did the parent obligated to make payments to you fail to do so?

If so, you may have 20 years from the date of each monthly payment to collect.
This means you may be able to collect past due child support payments, even if your child is

  • Over the age of 21
  • Married
  • Not living with you
  • In the military, or is otherwise emancipated

If You Are Owed Child Support, We Can Help

Many people are forced to raise their children on their own without the much needed and legally awarded financial support from their child’s other parent. If you are one of them, we can help.
Too many parents simply don’t pay. That does not mean you are not owed that money.
We understand child support law in New York State. Contacting us is an important first step to getting the money you deserve.

You may think it’s too late or too difficult to collect the child support you were awarded.
Not necessarily.

Recouping Missing Child Support

Some people assume that it will take too much time or cost too much money to pursue the child support they are owed. It may be easier and more affordable than you think.

Often, parents were simply too busy raising the children to consider taking formal efforts to pursue the other parent for the money they were owed at that time. Perhaps their relationship with the other parent is toxic or problematic. They may have been afraid that the ex would somehow try to involve their child(ren) in the financial dispute between the parents, or they were afraid of angering or upsetting the other parent.

We have an unwavering commitment to helping parents recover the child support they were awarded.
Don’t wait any longer. Because you’re owed it.™